10:30 a.m. Worship: June and July 2018
Summer Reading Sermon Series
at Trinity Grace!
Many people often pick up an easy read to help them relax and enjoy the summer. Everyone at Trinity Grace is invited to pick up an easy read called “Messy Spirituality” by Mike Yaconelli. “Messy Spirituality” is an easy read because it is filled with honest, moving stories which will stir your heart and soul. “Messy Spirituality” will challenge you, make you think, make you laugh, and cause you to shed a tear. If you ever feel that you don’t pray enough, don’t read your Bible enough, don’t share your faith enough, don’t believe your spiritually enough or if you feel you possess any number of other possible shortcomings, then “Messy Spirituality” is for you! So many Christians feel that our imperfections, unfinishedness, and messiness results in our downfall. Yaconelli makes it clear that real Christianity, Biblical Christianity is messy, erratic, lopsided, and gloriously liberating.
Each Sunday in June and July, we will utilize a portion of “Messy Spirituality” to help us concentrate on a related portion of God’s Word and dig deep into living a real faith in the real world! Read “Messy Spirituality” this summer and join us for worship as we are liberated from our “spiritual misconceptions” and embraced in God’s liberating love!
“Messy Spirituality” is available as a print or ebook from Amazon.com.
June 3, Romans 5:1-11, Messy Spirituality? What If Your Family Wrote Your Eulogy?
June 10, Matthew 16:13-20, Messy Spirituality: Messy
June 17, Father’s Day, Romans 3:9-20, Messy Spirituality: Messy Spirituality
June 24, Luke 10: 13-16, Messy Spirituality: Resisting the Resisters
July 1, John 4:1-30, Messy Spirituality: The Ugliness of Rejection
July 8, Matthew 28:16-20, Messy Spirituality: Odd Discipleship
July 15, Colossians 2:6-19, Messy Spirituality: Unspiritual Growth
July 22, Mark 4:30-32, Messy Spirituality: Little Graces
July 29, Romans 8:31-39, Messy Spirituality: God’s Annoying Love
Summer Reading Sermon Series
at Trinity Grace!
Many people often pick up an easy read to help them relax and enjoy the summer. Everyone at Trinity Grace is invited to pick up an easy read called “Messy Spirituality” by Mike Yaconelli. “Messy Spirituality” is an easy read because it is filled with honest, moving stories which will stir your heart and soul. “Messy Spirituality” will challenge you, make you think, make you laugh, and cause you to shed a tear. If you ever feel that you don’t pray enough, don’t read your Bible enough, don’t share your faith enough, don’t believe your spiritually enough or if you feel you possess any number of other possible shortcomings, then “Messy Spirituality” is for you! So many Christians feel that our imperfections, unfinishedness, and messiness results in our downfall. Yaconelli makes it clear that real Christianity, Biblical Christianity is messy, erratic, lopsided, and gloriously liberating.
Each Sunday in June and July, we will utilize a portion of “Messy Spirituality” to help us concentrate on a related portion of God’s Word and dig deep into living a real faith in the real world! Read “Messy Spirituality” this summer and join us for worship as we are liberated from our “spiritual misconceptions” and embraced in God’s liberating love!
“Messy Spirituality” is available as a print or ebook from Amazon.com.
June 3, Romans 5:1-11, Messy Spirituality? What If Your Family Wrote Your Eulogy?
June 10, Matthew 16:13-20, Messy Spirituality: Messy
June 17, Father’s Day, Romans 3:9-20, Messy Spirituality: Messy Spirituality
June 24, Luke 10: 13-16, Messy Spirituality: Resisting the Resisters
July 1, John 4:1-30, Messy Spirituality: The Ugliness of Rejection
July 8, Matthew 28:16-20, Messy Spirituality: Odd Discipleship
July 15, Colossians 2:6-19, Messy Spirituality: Unspiritual Growth
July 22, Mark 4:30-32, Messy Spirituality: Little Graces
July 29, Romans 8:31-39, Messy Spirituality: God’s Annoying Love
Due to technical difficulties,
the sermon for 7-8-18 is not available. |